DELF A1 speaking test

Proceedings of DELF A1 oral production

DELF A1 speaking test lasts between 5 and 7 minutes and is in 3 parts : guided conversation (entretien dirigé), exchanging information (échange d'informations), role-play (dialogue simulé ou jeu de rôle). Below a video presenting DELF A1 oral production proceedings:

Reception and preparation of DELF A1 speaking test

The examination day, with a proof of identity (ID card, passport), you have to go to the place and at the time indicated on your notification. The notification is a document which will be given to you by your examination center after your registration. It mentions your personal records (FAMILY NAME, first name(s), date of birth, place of birth) and indicates schedules and classrooms for your group tests (listening, reading and writing) and for your individual test (speaking).

Before taking your speaking test with the examiners, a supervisor will call you. He will check your notification and your proof of identity. Then, he will put you in the preparation room. He will explain to you the proceedings of DELF A1 oral production. For each part, he will indicate to you the instructions. He will make you take the 6 cards for the 2nd part (exchanging information) and 2 subjects for the 3rd part (role-play). You will find DELF A1 speaking test sample papers here. You have to choose one subject out of the two proposed for this 3rd part. Take time to read the subjects and to make the good choice. If you do not understand the instructions and/or the subjects, do not hesitate to ask explanations to the supervisor. Before beginning your preparation, it is important that you understand the instructions and the subject.

Then, you have 10 minutes to prepare parts 2 and 3. When your preparation is over, the supervisor will invite you to go to the oral examination room with the two examiners. One of the examiners will be the examiner-actor. It is him who will interact with you. The other examiner will be the examiner-observer. He will stand back and will take notes. He will not intervene during the speaking test. His job as an observer will be useful during the consultation with the examiner-actor to assess your oral production. So, do not be surprised if only one of the two examiners ask you questions. It is normal.

After your installation in the speaking test room, the examiner-actor will ask you for your notification and your proof of identity. Then, he will remind you of the proceedings of DELF A1 oral production. Then, he will introduce the first part by saying one or two sentences in French like: "Nous allons commencer par la 1ère partie, l'entretien dirigé. Je vous pose des questions et vous répondez.". That means: “We are going to start the first part, the guided conversation. I ask you questions and you answer.

The 3 parts of DELF A1 speaking test

The whole oral production is on 25 points. It is a quarter of the total mark of DELF A1 which is 100. Each other skill (listening, reading, writing) is also on 25 points. To get the diploma, you must have 50/100 minimum and get a minimum of 5/25 at each skill. If you get under 5 at one skill, it is a eliminatory mark even if you get 50/100 minimum at all. For example, if you get a total mark of 56/100 but you have 4/25 at one skill, you are eliminated. and you do not get the diploma.

The first part is the guided conversation (entretien dirigé). It lasts about one minute. Here, you have to answer the examiner’s questions about you, your family, what you like and do not like or your activities. For example: “Comment vous vous appelez ?” (That means: “What is your name?”) “Quelle est votre nationalité ?” (That means: “What is your nationality?”) etc. This part is on 5 points out of the 25 points of the DELF A1 oral production. The assessment criteria for this part is “Peut se présenter et parler de soi en répondant à des questions simples, lentement et clairement formulées.”. That means “Can introduce himself and talk about him by answering simple questions slowly and clearly asked.”. To get more information and advices about this part:

DELF A1 speaking test: guided conversation

The second part is the exchanging information (échange d’informations). It lasts about two minutes. Here, you want to know the examiner. From the 6 cards with words and question marks on them, you ask him questions. This part is on 4 points out of the 25 points of the DELF A1 oral production. The assessment criteria for this part is: “Peut poser des questions personnelles simples sur des sujets familiers et concrets et manifester qu’il/elle a compris la réponse.”. That means: “Can ask simple personal questions on familiar and concrete subjects and show that he/she understood the answer.”. To get more details on this part:

DELF A1 speaking test: exchanging information

The third part is the role-play (dialogue simulé ou jeu de rôle). It lasts about two minutes. Here, you have to make a purchase. In this way, the situation will be in a shop, in a cinema, in a restaurant, in a cafe, etc. You have to ask prices, quantities and pay. This part is on 7 points out of the 25 points of DELF A1 oral production. There are two assessment criteria for this part. The first one, on 4 points, is: “Peut demander ou donner quelque chose à quelqu’un, comprendre et donner des instructions simples sur des sujets concrets de la vie quotidienne.”. That means: “Can ask or give something to someone, understand and give simple instructions on concrete subjects of daily life.”. The second assessment criteria, on 3 points, is: “Peut établir un contact social de base en utilisant les formes de politesse les plus élémentaires.”. That means: “Can establish a basic social contact by using elementary salutations and politeness.”. To get more information and advices to prepare this part:

DELF A1 speaking test : role-play

Assessment of vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation of DELF A1 speaking test

As we saw above, the three parts of the DELF A1 oral production are on 16 points out of the 25 points of the DELF A1 speaking test. To be simple, the assessment criteria of those three parts correspond with practical, pragmatic skills. The 9 points left are assessed on the language control: vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and for the whole three parts. To know more about the assessment of vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation of the DELF A1 oral production, click here.

End of DELF A1 speaking test

The examiner-actor indicates to you that the test is over. He will ask you about your subjects and your rough papers. You give him those documents. Before leaving, take your leave of the examiners. For example, you may say “Merci, Messieurs (ou Mesdames ou Madame et Monsieur en fonction du/des genre(s) de vos examinateurs). Au revoir. Bonne journée.”. That means: “Thank you, Sirs (or Ladies or Madam and Gentleman according to the gender of your examiners) Goodbye. Have a good day.".

Further information on DELF A1 speaking test

You may consult and download the instructions, the assessment grid and past exam papers of the DELF A1 oral production on this page: DELF A1 sample papers

We recommend that you work on the last version of the DELF A1 speaking test assessment grid. ​We advise you to study this assessment grid, because it is on it that you will be assessed and marked. So, if you well control the assessment criteria and you fit them well, you will get the maximum of points.

You can also consult our book recommendations to prepare for the DELF A1.
