Books to prepare for DELF A1

There are many preparation manuals for DELF A1. Below, we offer you a short and relevant selection of the best books to prepare for the DELF A1. Thus, we offer you three books to prepare for the DELF A1 exam.
These manuals can be used by teachers as part of the facilitation of a DELF A1 preparation course or in addition to a French general course of level A1. They can also be studied independently by the candidates.
These three books cover the four skills of the DELF A1 exam: listening (CO = compréhension orale), reading (CE = compréhension écrite), writing (PE = production écrite) and speaking (PO = production orale).
ABC DELF A1 is a manual that offers complete and efficient preparation for the DELF A1 tests. It offers 50 activities per skill, mock exams, reminders of essential grammar and lexicon points for DELF A1. It also offers a web app for training and assessing online. It is available in paperback (paper format) with mp3 audio CD via the link below:
ABC DELF A1 paperback with audio CD
If you are living in the UK, please use the link below:
ABC DELF A1 paperback with audio CD for UK
Le DELF - 100 % réussite - A1
This DELF A1 preparation manual offers activities, tips and strategies for passing the DELF A1 exam. It also provides methodological sheets for each skill. It also contains four mock exams for the DELF A1. That is, four sample papers. It is available in paperback (paper format) with mp3 audio CD and in digital book via the links below:
Le DELF - 100 % réussite - A1 paperback with audio CD
If you are living in the UK, please use the links below:
Le DELF - 100 % réussite - A1 paperback with audio CD for UK
Le DELF - 100 % réussite - A1 ebook for UK
Réussir le DELF A1
Although a little old, dating from 2010, “Réussir le DELF A1” is an interesting manual for preparing for the DELF A1. In this book, you will find a presentation of the tests, methodological advice and various activities to train for DELF A1. It also contains a mock exam. It is available in paperback (paper format) with audio CD via the link below:
Réussir le DELF A1 paperback with audio CD
If you are living in the UK, please use the link below:
Réussir le DELF A1 paperback with audio CD for UK