DELF B2 writing test
DELF B2 writing test presentation

The DELF B2 written production test lasts 1 hour and is marked out of 25 points. This represents a quarter (25%) of the total DELF B2 mark, which is out of 100. There are also 25 points for each of the other skills: listening, reading and speaking.
In the DELF B2 writing test, the candidate will have to write a well-argued personal position statement in the form of a contribution to a debate, a formal letter or a critical article.
Here is an example of subject for the written production of DELF B2 Tout Public:
Vous vivez en France dans une zone piétonne du centre-ville. Le maire de votre ville a décidé d’ouvrir certaines des rues de cette zone à la circulation des autobus pendant la journée. Comme représentant(e) de votre immeuble, vous écrivez une lettre au maire pour contester cette décision en justifiant votre point de vue.
250 mots minimum
In DELF exams, subjects and instructions are only given in French. The translation below is given for information only:
You live in France in a pedestrian zone in the city center. The mayor of your city has decided to open some of the streets in this area to bus traffic during the day. As the representative of your building, you write a letter to the mayor to challenge this decision by justifying your point of view.
250 words minimum
Here is an example of subject for the written production of DELF B2 junior version and for schools:
Votre lycée français organise chaque année une journée où les familles peuvent venir observer des cours. Vous écrivez dans le journal du lycée pour inciter les élèves à faire la promotion de cette journée auprès de leurs parents. Vous expliquez notamment en quoi cette journée permet de mieux comprendre comment fonctionne l’établissement et comment travaillent les enseignants. Vous exposez vos arguments de manière détaillée et cohérente, à l’aide d’exemples précis.
250 mots minimum
In DELF exams, subjects and instructions are only given in French. The translation below is given for information only:
Your French high school organizes a day each year where families can come and observe lessons. You write in the high school newspaper to encourage pupils to promote this day to their parents. In particular, you explain how this day allows to better understand how the school operates and how teachers work. You present your arguments in a detailed and coherent manner, using specific examples.
250 words minimum
Assessment criteria for the DELF B2 writing test
To correct your copy and give you a mark, the examiners use an assessment grid. For the written production of the DELF B2, there are ten evaluation criteria:
1) Respect de la consigne = Respect of the instructions (2 points):
- Respecte la situation et le type de production demandée. = Respects the situation and the type of production requested.
- Respecte la consigne de longueur minimale indiquée.* = Respects the minimum length instruction indicated.*
*Si la production fait entre 176 et 224 mots, on attribuera 0,5 point sur 1 au critère de longueur.
Si la production fait 175 mots ou moins, on attribuera 0 point sur 1 au critère de longueur.
= If the production is between 176 and 224 words, 0.5 points out of 1 will be awarded for the length criterion.
If the production is 175 words or less, 0 points out of 1 will be awarded for the length criterion.
2) Correction sociolinguistique = Sociolinguistic correction (2 points):
- Peut adapter sa production à la situation, au destinataire et adopter le niveau d’expression formelle convenant aux circonstances. = Can adapt his/her production to the situation, to the recipient and adopt the level of formal expression appropriate to the circumstances.
3) Capacité à présenter des faits = Ability to present facts (3 points):
- Peut évoquer avec clarté et précision des faits, des événements ou des situations. = Can bring up facts, events or situations with clarity and precision.
4) Capacité à argumenter une prise de position = Ability to argue a position (3 points):
- Peut développer une argumentation en soulignant de manière appropriée points importants et détails pertinents. = Can develop a reasoning by appropriately emphasizing important points and relevant details.
5) Cohérence et cohésion = Coherence and cohesion (4 points):
- Peut relier clairement les idées exprimées sous forme d’un texte fluide et cohérent. = Can clearly relate ideas expressed in a smooth, cohesive text.
- Respecte les règles d’usage de la mise en page. La ponctuation est relativement exacte mais peut subir l’influence de la langue maternelle. = Respect the rules of use of the layout. Punctuation is relatively accurate but can be influenced by the mother tongue.
Compétence lexicale / orthographe lexicale = Lexical proficiency / lexical spelling
6) Étendue du vocabulaire = Vocabulary extent (2 points):
- Peut utiliser une gamme assez étendue de vocabulaire en dépit de lacunes lexicales ponctuelles entraînant l’usage de périphrases. = Can use a fairly wide range of vocabulary despite occasional lexical gaps leading to the use of periphrases.
7) Maîtrise du vocabulaire = Mastery of vocabulary (2 points):
- Peut utiliser un vocabulaire généralement approprié bien que des confusions et le choix de mots incorrects se produisent sans gêner la communication. = Can use generally appropriate vocabulary although confusion and incorrect wording may occur without interfering with communication.
8) Maîtrise de l’orthographe = Mastery of spelling (1 point):
- Peut produire un écrit suivi, clair et intelligible. L’orthographe est relativement exacte mais peut subir l’influence de la langue maternelle. = Can produce consistent, clear and intelligible writing. The spelling is relatively accurate but can be influenced by the mother tongue.
- Peut orthographier correctement la plupart des mots attendus à ce niveau. = Can spell most words correctly expected at this level.
Compétence grammaticale / orthographe grammaticale = Grammatical proficiency / grammatical spelling
9) Choix des formes = Choice of forms (4 points):
- A un bon contrôle grammatical. Des erreurs non systématiques peuvent encore se produire sans conduire à des malentendus. = Has good grammar control. Unsystematic errors can still occur without leading to misunderstandings.
10) Degré d’élaboration des phrases = Degree of elaboration of sentences (2 points):
- Peut utiliser de manière appropriée des constructions variées. = Can appropriately use various constructions.
Additional information for the written production of DELF B2
To better understand the DELF B2 writing test and to get an idea of the subjects of the DELF B2 written production, we advise you to study past exam papers:
- DELF B2 Junior and for schools sample papers
- DELF B2 sample papers
We invite you to consult the latest version of the assessment grid for the DELF B2 writing test. We advise you to study this grid carefully because it is on this basis that you will be evaluated and graded. Thus, if you master the evaluation criteria well and answer them correctly, you will get the maximum points.
You can also consult our book recommendations to prepare for the DELF B2.
You can also consult our book recommendations to prepare for the DELF B2 Junior and for schools.