DELF A1 writing test
DELF A1 writing test presentation

The DELF A1 writing test lasts 30 minutes and is marked out of 25 points. It has two exercises:
- for exercise 1, the candidate must complete a sheet or form.
- For exercise 2, the candidate must write a message, letter, postcard, etc., with simple sentences of at least 40 words.
Exercise 1 of DELF A1 writing test
The first exercise of the DELF A1 written production is scored out of 10 points out of the 25 points awarded for the DELF A1 writing test. Here, the candidate must complete a file or a form. Here is an example:
Vous êtes en vacances en France. Vous remplissez ce formulaire dans un hôtel. (1 point par réponse)
= You are on vacation in France. You fill out this form in a hotel. (1 point per answer)
In DELF exams, instructions are only given in French. This translation is given for information only.
Vous êtes en vacances en France. Vous remplissez ce formulaire dans un hôtel. (1 point par réponse)
= You are on vacation in France. You fill out this form in a hotel. (1 point per answer)
In DELF exams, instructions are only given in French. This translation is given for information only.
Prénom : | |
Date de naissance : | |
Nationalité : | |
Courriel : | |
Adresse : | |
Code postal : | |
Pays : | |
Téléphone : | |
Profession : | |
Date : |
The “Nom = Name” box is filled with XXXXX to keep your copy anonymous. For the other boxes of the form:
- at “Prénom = First name”, you must write your first name. For example: Pablo
- at “Date de naissance = Date of birth”, you must write your date of birth. For example: 09/06/1982
- at “Nationalité = Nationality”, you must write your nationality. For example: espagnol (= Spanish). Here, we recommend this vocabulary lesson on nationalities and languages in French.
- at “Courriel = Email”, you must enter your email address. For example:
- at “Adresse = Address”, you must write your address (where you live). For example: 16 rue Cervantes, Madrid, Espagne = (16 Cervantes Street, Madrid, Spain)
- at “Code postal = Postal code”, you must write your postal code. For example: 28 001
- at “Pays = Country”, you must write your country. For example: Espagne (= Spain)
- at “Téléphone = Telephone”, you must write your telephone number. For example: 02 40 26 55 43
- at “Profession”, you must write your profession (your job). For example: ingénieur (= engineer). Here, we recommend this vocabulary lesson on jobs and professions in French.
- at “Date”, you must write today's date. For example: 10/12/2020
- at “Prénom = First name”, you must write your first name. For example: Pablo
- at “Date de naissance = Date of birth”, you must write your date of birth. For example: 09/06/1982
- at “Nationalité = Nationality”, you must write your nationality. For example: espagnol (= Spanish). Here, we recommend this vocabulary lesson on nationalities and languages in French.
- at “Courriel = Email”, you must enter your email address. For example:
- at “Adresse = Address”, you must write your address (where you live). For example: 16 rue Cervantes, Madrid, Espagne = (16 Cervantes Street, Madrid, Spain)
- at “Code postal = Postal code”, you must write your postal code. For example: 28 001
- at “Pays = Country”, you must write your country. For example: Espagne (= Spain)
- at “Téléphone = Telephone”, you must write your telephone number. For example: 02 40 26 55 43
- at “Profession”, you must write your profession (your job). For example: ingénieur (= engineer). Here, we recommend this vocabulary lesson on jobs and professions in French.
- at “Date”, you must write today's date. For example: 10/12/2020
Exercise 2 of DELF A1 writing test
The second exercise of the DELF A1 written production is scored out of 15 points out of the 25 points awarded for the DELF A1 writing test. Here the candidate should write a message, letter, postcard, etc., with simple sentences. Here is an example of instructions:
Vous écrivez une lettre à un(e) ami(e) français(e) pour l’inviter dans votre pays pendant les vacances. Vous lui parlez des activités que vous pouvez faire ensemble. (40 mots minimum)
= You write a letter to a French friend to invite him/her to your country during the holidays. You tell him/her about things you can do together. (40 words minimum)
In DELF exams, instructions are only given in French. This translation is given for information only.
For this 2nd exercise of the DELF A1 written production, there are six evaluation (assessment) criteria:
1) Respect de la consigne = Respect of the directions (instructions) (2 points) :
- Peut mettre en adéquation sa production avec la situation proposée. = Can align his/her production with the proposed situation.
- Peut respecter la consigne de longueur minimale indiquée. = Can comply with the minimum length instruction indicated.
2) Correction sociolinguistique = Sociolinguistic correction (2 points) :
- Peut utiliser les formes les plus élémentaires de l’accueil et de la prise de congé. = Can use the most basic forms of welcoming and taking leave.
- Peut choisir un registre de langue adapté au destinataire (tu / vous). = Can choose a language register suitable for the recipient (tu / vous).
Here, we recommend this French lesson to learn to greet and take leave with tu and this other French lesson to learn to greet and take leave with vous.
3) Capacité à informer et / ou décrire = Ability to inform and / or describe (4 points) :
- Peut écrire des phrases et des expressions simples sur soi-même et ses activités. = Can write simple sentences and phrases about him/herselves and his/her activities.
4) Lexique / orthographe lexicale = Lexicon / lexical spelling (3 points) :
- Peut utiliser un répertoire élémentaire de mots et d’expressions relatifs à sa situation personnelle. = Can use a basic repertoire of words and phrases relating to personal circumstances.
- Peut orthographier quelques mots du répertoire mémorisé. = Can spell a few words from the memorized directory.
5) Morphosyntaxe / orthographe grammaticale = Morphosyntax / grammatical spelling (3 points) :
- Peut utiliser avec un contrôle limité des structures, des formes grammaticales simples appartenant à un répertoire mémorisé. = Can use, with limited structural control, simple grammatical forms belonging to a memorized repertoire.
6) Cohérence et cohésion = Coherence and cohesion (1 point) :
- Peut relier les mots avec des connecteurs très élémentaires tels que “et” et “alors”. = Can link words together with very basic connectors such as “and” and “then”.
Vous écrivez une lettre à un(e) ami(e) français(e) pour l’inviter dans votre pays pendant les vacances. Vous lui parlez des activités que vous pouvez faire ensemble. (40 mots minimum)
= You write a letter to a French friend to invite him/her to your country during the holidays. You tell him/her about things you can do together. (40 words minimum)
In DELF exams, instructions are only given in French. This translation is given for information only.
For this 2nd exercise of the DELF A1 written production, there are six evaluation (assessment) criteria:
1) Respect de la consigne = Respect of the directions (instructions) (2 points) :
- Peut mettre en adéquation sa production avec la situation proposée. = Can align his/her production with the proposed situation.
- Peut respecter la consigne de longueur minimale indiquée. = Can comply with the minimum length instruction indicated.
2) Correction sociolinguistique = Sociolinguistic correction (2 points) :
- Peut utiliser les formes les plus élémentaires de l’accueil et de la prise de congé. = Can use the most basic forms of welcoming and taking leave.
- Peut choisir un registre de langue adapté au destinataire (tu / vous). = Can choose a language register suitable for the recipient (tu / vous).
Here, we recommend this French lesson to learn to greet and take leave with tu and this other French lesson to learn to greet and take leave with vous.
3) Capacité à informer et / ou décrire = Ability to inform and / or describe (4 points) :
- Peut écrire des phrases et des expressions simples sur soi-même et ses activités. = Can write simple sentences and phrases about him/herselves and his/her activities.
4) Lexique / orthographe lexicale = Lexicon / lexical spelling (3 points) :
- Peut utiliser un répertoire élémentaire de mots et d’expressions relatifs à sa situation personnelle. = Can use a basic repertoire of words and phrases relating to personal circumstances.
- Peut orthographier quelques mots du répertoire mémorisé. = Can spell a few words from the memorized directory.
5) Morphosyntaxe / orthographe grammaticale = Morphosyntax / grammatical spelling (3 points) :
- Peut utiliser avec un contrôle limité des structures, des formes grammaticales simples appartenant à un répertoire mémorisé. = Can use, with limited structural control, simple grammatical forms belonging to a memorized repertoire.
6) Cohérence et cohésion = Coherence and cohesion (1 point) :
- Peut relier les mots avec des connecteurs très élémentaires tels que “et” et “alors”. = Can link words together with very basic connectors such as “and” and “then”.
Additional information for the written production of DELF A1
To better understand the DELF A1 writing test and to get an idea of the subjects of the DELF A1 written production, we advise you to study past exam papers:
- DELF A1 Junior and for schools sample papers
- DELF A1 sample papers
We invite you to consult the latest version of the assessment grid for the DELF A1 writing test. We advise you to study this grid carefully because it is on this basis that you will be evaluated and graded. Thus, if you master the evaluation criteria well and answer them correctly, you will get the maximum points.
You can also consult our book recommendations to prepare for the DELF A1.
You can also consult our book recommendations to prepare for the DELF A1 Junior and for schools.
- DELF A1 Junior and for schools sample papers
- DELF A1 sample papers
We invite you to consult the latest version of the assessment grid for the DELF A1 writing test. We advise you to study this grid carefully because it is on this basis that you will be evaluated and graded. Thus, if you master the evaluation criteria well and answer them correctly, you will get the maximum points.
You can also consult our book recommendations to prepare for the DELF A1.
You can also consult our book recommendations to prepare for the DELF A1 Junior and for schools.