DELF A2 writing test
DELF A2 writing test presentation

The DELF A2 writing test lasts 45 minutes and is marked out of 25 points. It has two exercises:
- exercise 1 is called a creative writing exercise. The candidate will have to describe an event and / or personal experiences in at least 60 words.
- Exercise 2 is a written interaction exercise. Following receipt of a message, the candidate should write to invite, thank, apologize, propose, ask, inform, congratulate, etc. Here too, the candidate will have to write at least 60 words.
Exercise 1 of DELF A2 writing test
The first exercise of the DELF A2 written production is scored out of 13 points out of the 25 points awarded for the DELF A2 writing test. Here, the candidate must produce a creative writing in at least 60 words. Often the candidate will be asked to recount an event such as a traditional holiday and / or describe a personal experience such as recounting a vacation. In the vast majority of cases, the instruction will ask the candidate to describe an event and / or personal experiences in the past. Indeed, at the level of conjugation, in addition to the present tense (présent de l’indicatif) which must be mastered at level A1, at level A2, it is necessary to master the “passé composé” (past tense). In addition, the instruction will ask the candidate to give his impressions.
Here is an example of instructions for this first exercise of the written production of DELF A2 Tout Public:
Vous participez à un forum en français sur internet sur le thème des fêtes de famille. Vous racontez comment se passent les fêtes de famille chez vous et vous donnez vos impressions sur ce thème.
60 mots minimum
= You participate in a forum in French on the internet on the theme of family celebrations. You tell how the family celebrations are going at home and you give your impressions on this theme. (60 words minimum)
In DELF exams, instructions are only given in French. This translation is given for information only.
Here is an example of instructions for this first exercise of the written production of DELF A2 junior version and for schools:
Vous êtes parti(e) en vacances pendant une semaine. Vous écrivez à un(e) ami(e) francophone pour lui raconter vos vacances. Vous lui expliquez où vous êtes allé(e), avec qui et ce que vous avez fait. Vous donnez vos impressions sur vos vacances.
60 mots minimum
= You went on vacation for a week. You write to a French-speaking friend to tell him about your vacation. You explain to him where you went, with whom and what you did. You give your impressions of your vacation. (60 words minimum)
In DELF exams, instructions are only given in French. This translation is given for information only.
For this 1st exercise of the DELF A2 writing test, there are six evaluation (assessment) criteria:
1) Respect de la consigne = Respect of the directions (instructions) (1 point):
- Peut mettre en adéquation sa production avec la situation proposée. = Can align his/her production with the proposed situation.
- Peut respecter la consigne de longueur minimale indiquée.* = Can comply with the minimum length instruction indicated.*
*Si la production fait 53 mots ou moins, on attribuera 0 point sur 0,5 au critère de longueur. = If the production is 53 words or less, 0 points out of 0.5 will be awarded for the length criterion.
2) Capacité à raconter et à décrire = Ability to narrate and describe (4 points):
- Peut décrire de manière simple des aspects quotidiens de son environnement (gens, choses, lieux) et des événements, des activités passées, des expériences personnelles. = Can describe in a simple way everyday aspects of his environment (people, things, places) and events, past activities, personal experiences.
3) Capacité à donner ses impressions = Ability to give impressions (2 points):
- Peut communiquer sommairement ses impressions, expliquer pourquoi une chose plaît ou déplaît. = Can summarily communicate his impressions, explain why something likes or dislikes.
4) Lexique / orthographe lexicale = Lexicon / lexical spelling (2 points):
- Peut utiliser un répertoire élémentaire de mots et d’expressions relatifs à la situation proposée. = Can use a basic repertoire of words and phrases relating to the given situation.
- Peut écrire avec une relative exactitude phonétique mais pas forcément orthographique. = Can write with relative phonetic accuracy but not necessarily spelling.
5) Morphosyntaxe / orthographe grammaticale = Morphosyntax / grammatical spelling (2,5 points):
- Peut utiliser des structures et des formes grammaticales simples relatives à la situation donnée mais commet encore systématiquement des erreurs élémentaires. = Can use simple grammatical structures and forms relevant to the given situation, but still consistently makes basic errors.
6) Cohérence et cohésion = Coherence and cohesion (1,5 point):
- Peut produire un texte simple et cohérent. = Can produce simple, coherent text.
- Peut relier des énoncés avec les articulations les plus fréquentes. = Can relate statements with the most frequent linking words and expressions.
Exercise 2 of DELF A2 writing test
The second exercise of the DELF A2 written production is scored out of 12 points out of the 25 points awarded for the DELF A2 writing test. Here, following receipt of a message, the candidate must write to invite, thank, apologize, propose, ask, inform, congratulate, etc…
Here is an example of instructions for this second exercise of the written production of DELF A2 Tout Public:
Vous avez reçu ce faire-part de mariage.
Ingrid et Julien
vous invitent à leur mariage
samedi 25 juin à 11 h 00 à la mairie de Neuilly.
Après la cérémonie, un repas sera offert
au restaurant Le Petit Coq.
Vous envoyez un courriel à vos amis pour les féliciter de leur mariage. Vous acceptez leur invitation et vous dites avec qui vous viendrez. Vous posez quelques questions sur l’organisation.
60 mots minimum
In DELF exams, instructions are only given in French. The translation below is given for information only:
You have received this wedding invitation.
Ingrid and Julien
invite you to their wedding
Saturday June 25 at 11 am at the town hall of Neuilly.
After the ceremony, a meal will be offered
at the restaurant Le Petit Coq.
You send an email to your friends to congratulate them on their marriage. You accept their invitation and say who you will come with. You ask a few questions about the organization.
60 words minimum
Here is an example of instructions for this second exercise of the written production of DELF A2 junior version and for schools:
Vous avez reçu ce courriel de votre amie Sarah.
De :
Objet : Invitation
Salut !
Comment ça va ?
Tu veux venir avec moi demain soir au concert du chanteur M ? Il me reste une place.
Réponds-moi vite !
Vous répondez à Sarah. Vous ne pouvez pas accepter son invitation. Vous vous excusez et vous lui expliquez pourquoi vous ne pouvez pas venir. Vous lui proposez une autre sortie.
60 mots minimum
In DELF exams, instructions are only given in French. The translation below is given for information only:
You received this email from your friend Sarah.
Subject: Invitation
Hi !
How is it going?
Do you want to come with me tomorrow night to singer M's concert? I have one place left.
Answer me quickly!
You answer Sarah. You cannot accept her invitation. You apologize and explain to her why you can't come. You offer her another outing.
60 words minimum
For this 2nd exercise of the DELF A2 writing test, there are six evaluation (assessment) criteria:
1) Respect de la consigne = Respect of the directions (instructions) (1 point):
- Peut mettre en adéquation sa production avec la situation proposée. = Can align his/her production with the proposed situation.
- Peut respecter la consigne de longueur minimale indiquée.* = Can comply with the minimum length instruction indicated.*
*Si la production fait 53 mots ou moins, on attribuera 0 point sur 0,5 au critère de longueur. = If the production is 53 words or less, 0 points out of 0.5 will be awarded for the length criterion.
2) Correction sociolinguistique = Sociolinguistic correction (1 point):
- Peut utiliser les registres de langue en adéquation avec le destinataire et le contexte. = Can use language registers appropriate to recipient and context.
- Peut utiliser les formes courantes de l’accueil et de la prise de congé. = Can use common forms of welcoming and taking leave.
3) Capacité à interagir = Ability to interact (4 points):
- Peut écrire une lettre personnelle simple pour exprimer remerciements, excuses, propositions, etc. = Can write a simple personal letter to express thanks, apologies, proposals, etc.
4) Lexique / orthographe lexicale = Lexicon / lexical spelling (2 points):
- Peut utiliser un répertoire élémentaire de mots et d’expressions relatifs à la situation proposée. = Can use a basic repertoire of words and phrases relating to the given situation.
- Peut écrire avec une relative exactitude phonétique mais pas forcément orthographique. = Can write with relative phonetic accuracy but not necessarily spelling.
5) Morphosyntaxe / orthographe grammaticale = Morphosyntax / grammatical spelling (2,5 points):
- Peut utiliser des structures et des formes grammaticales simples relatives à la situation donnée mais commet encore systématiquement des erreurs élémentaires. = Can use simple grammatical structures and forms relevant to the given situation, but still consistently makes basic errors.
6) Cohérence et cohésion = Coherence and cohesion (1,5 point) :
- Peut produire un texte simple et cohérent. = Can produce simple, coherent text.
- Peut relier des énoncés avec les articulations les plus fréquentes. = Can relate statements with the most frequent linking words and expressions.
Additional information for the written production of DELF A2
To better understand the DELF A2 writing test and to get an idea of the subjects of the DELF A2 written production, we advise you to study past exam papers:
- DELF A2 Junior and for schools sample papers
- DELF A2 sample papers
We invite you to consult the latest version of the assessment grid for the DELF A2 writing test. We advise you to study this grid carefully because it is on this basis that you will be evaluated and graded. Thus, if you master the evaluation criteria well and answer them correctly, you will get the maximum points.
You can also consult our book recommendations to prepare for the DELF A2.
You can also consult our book recommendations to prepare for the DELF A2 Junior and for schools.