DELF Prim sample papers

As a reminder, DELF Prim is intended for children between 7 and 11 years old in primary school. For a detailed presentation of DELF Prim, click here. As you can notice on the DELF Prim past exam papers that you can download below, the tests of the DELF Prim are very well conceived. We can congratulate the designers of the FEI (France Éducation International) for this attractive work. Indeed, from an educational point of view, the subjects really prepare the children for success. The instructions are clear. The children have a lot of time to do the exercises. The tests are really well adapted to the age and the level of learners. Furthermore, from a graphic point of view, notebooks are really very beautiful. They are in color and the images and the drawings are high-quality. Follow the links presented in the paragraph below to discover this very good educational and graphic design work of the DELF Prim subjects.
Download DELF Prim sample papers
The DELF Prim consists of 3 levels: A1.1, A1 and A2 corresponding to the common reference levels defined by the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). The level A1.1 is the easiest and the level A2 is the most difficult level of the DELF Prim. The French language teacher of your child can advise you as for the level to which to register your child. Here, the purpose is to put your child in a condition of success. That is why, we recommend to take the levels gradually and to present your child to a supposed level lower than the level estimated by the French language teacher of your child. So, if, for example, the French language teacher of your child positions him/her at the level A2, we recommend you to register him/her on the DELF Prim A1. It will allow your child to pass the examination with a very good result. So, it will stimulate him/her and will motivate him/her in his learning of French language. To get DELF Prim sample papers, according to the level that interest you, you can follow the links below:
When your child will be in middle school, he/she can continue to officially validate his/her skills in French language by obtaining internationally recognized diplomas by taking DELF junior version or DELF for schools.