DELF Pro: DELF professional version
DELF Pro A1, A2, B1 and B2 exams and diplomas

It is no longer possible to take the DELF Pro. Indeed, France Éducation international has put an end to this version of the DELF. Instead, we advise you to take the DELF Tout Public. For all practical purposes and for archival purposes, we keep our articles on the DELF Pro.
The DELF Pro or DELF professional version is, as his name indicates, intended for people willing to integrate a French-speaking working environment. The DELF Pro is also appropriate for people who are already working in a French-speaking environment and who are willing to highlight their abilities in French to eventually progress in their career either by obtaining a promotion or integrating with another company.
The DELF Pro, just as the other DELF, is an official diploma issued by the French Ministry of Education. Its format is the same as the DELF with, of course, topics adapted to a working environment. Therefore the DELF Pro assesses the French communication skills in all current professional situations. The DELF Pro is composed of 4 levels A1, A2, B1 and B2. Level A1 is the most accessible and level B2 the most advanced.
The DELF Pro or DELF professional version is, as his name indicates, intended for people willing to integrate a French-speaking working environment. The DELF Pro is also appropriate for people who are already working in a French-speaking environment and who are willing to highlight their abilities in French to eventually progress in their career either by obtaining a promotion or integrating with another company.
The DELF Pro, just as the other DELF, is an official diploma issued by the French Ministry of Education. Its format is the same as the DELF with, of course, topics adapted to a working environment. Therefore the DELF Pro assesses the French communication skills in all current professional situations. The DELF Pro is composed of 4 levels A1, A2, B1 and B2. Level A1 is the most accessible and level B2 the most advanced.
The DELF Pro in 4 independent diplomas
To learn more about the DELF Pro and in particular to obtain sample papers, according to the level you are interested in, you can click on the links below: