​​Third part of DELF A1 speaking test: role-play

Role-play (dialogue simulé ou jeu de rôle) is the third part of the DELF A1 speaking test. Below a video presenting the third part of DELF A1 oral production:

As a reminder: DELF A1 speaking test proceedings and instructions have already been explained to the candidate by the supervisor before his preparation. Furthermore, the examiner (it is not on the video above) has also reminded the proceedings of the test during the reception of the candidate. To know more about the proceedings and instructions of DELF A1 oral production, you may watch ​this video and visit ​this page.

Below, you will find the transcription of the video of role-play (third part) of the DELF A1 speaking test:

Examiner: “Nous allons passer à la 3ème partie. Quel sujet avez-vous choisi ?”

Candidate: “Le sujet est “Dans un magasin de meubles”.”

Examiner: “Dans un magasin de meuble, très bien. Donc, vous voulez acheter des meubles pour votre nouvelle maison. Vous vous renseignez sur les meubles : la taille, la couleur, le prix. Vous achetez et vous payez.”

Candidate: “OK”

Examiner: ”Pour acheter, ici, vous avez une carte de crédit. Ah, ben, vous avez déjà ramené votre carte de crédit !”

Candidate: “Toujours, toujours, faire du shopping !”

Examiner: “OK. Sinon, vous avez des euros : des billets et des pièces.”

Candidate: “Bonjour, monsieur.”

Examiner: “Bonjour, monsieur.”

Candidate: “Je viens de faire déménage alors je voudrais des meubles pour ma nouvelle maison.”

Examiner: “OK, très bien, oui.”

Candidate: “Je voudrais acheter un canapé trois places s’il vous plaît.”

Examiner: “Un canapé trois places, oui, pas de problème.”

Candidate: “Je voudrais, euh, quelles couleurs avez-vous ?”

Examiner: “Alors dans le canapé trois places, on a noir, bleu et marron.”

Candidate: “Et marron, c’est mieux.”

Examiner: “Vous préférez le marron ?”

Candidate: “Marron oui.”

Examiner: “Très bien.”

Candidate: “Combien ça coûte ?”

Examiner: “Le canapé trois places, il coûte 350 euros.”

Candidate: “350, oui. Et, je voudrais aussi deux lits pour deux personnes, blancs.”

Examiner: “Deux lits blancs pour deux personnes, oui, pas de problème.”

Candidate: “Combien ça coûte, s’il vous plaît ?”

Examiner: “Alors un lit, ça coûte 150 euros. Donc pour deux lits, ça fait 300 euros.”

Candidate: “OK, d’accord et dans ma nouvelle maison, nous avons un jardin alors je voudrais acheter une table blanc, euh, une table de jardin.”

Examiner: “Une table de jardin, de quelle couleur ?”

Candidate: “Blanc.”

Examiner: “La couleur blanche.”

Candidate: “J’aime le blanc.”

Examiner: “Très bien, vous voulez des chaises avec la table ?”

Candidate: “Pardon ?”

Examiner: “Est-ce que vous voulez des chaises avec la table ? Des chaises, comme ça.”

Candidate: “Ah oui ! Bien sûr !”

Examiner: “Combien de chaises ?”

Candidate: “Deux.”

Examiner: “Deux chaises, d’accord.”

Candidate: “OK. un canapé, deux lits, une table, combien ça coûte, s’il vous plaît ?”

Examiner: “Alors, en tout, on a dit le canapé 350 euros, les deux lits 300 euros, et la table avec les deux chaises, c’est 100 euros. Donc ça fait 750 euros.”

Candidate: “OK, d’accord. Est-ce que je vous payer par carte ?”

Examiner: “C’est très bien oui. On accepte les cartes. Merci. Bip, paiement accepté. Je vous remercie monsieur.”

Candidate: “Excusez-moi ?”

Examiner: “Le paiement est accepté. Il n’y a pas de problème. Votre carte fonctionne très bien.”

Candidate: “Ah oui, merci.”

Examiner: “Merci.”

Candidate: “Bonne journée !”

Examiner: “Au revoir et bonne journée !”

​​Specifications on the third part of DELF A1 speaking test: role-play

Role-play (dialogue simulé ou jeu de rôle) of DELF A1 oral production lasts about two minutes. Here, you have to make a purchase. In this way, the situation will be in a shop, in a cinema, in a restaurant, in a cafe, etc. You have to ask prices, quantities and pay. To pay, you will have photocopies of coins, bills and of a credit card. Do not forget to greet and to use polite phrases.

Small trick, at the time of the payment, favor the credit card. It will avoid you having to count bills and coins and any incomprehension of the amount to be paid given by the examiner.

Role-play of DELF A1 speaking test is on 7 points. Here, there are two assessment criteria. The first one, on 4 points, is:

“Peut demander ou donner quelque chose à quelqu’un, comprendre et donner des instructions simples sur des sujets concrets de la vie quotidienne.”. That means: “Can ask or give something to someone, understand and give simple instructions on concrete subjects of the daily life.”.

Here, you will obtain the 4 points if you are able to ask questions to the examiner on the products that you want to buy (part of the assessment criteria: demander quelque chose à quelqu’un / ask something to someone). In the video above, the candidate does it very well many times: “Quelles couleurs avez-vous ?” (“What colours do you have?), “Combien ça coûte ?” (“How much is it?”). You must also be capable of concluding the act of purchase by paying (part of the assessment criteria: donner quelque chose à quelqu’un / give something to someone). Here, you just have to pay by giving your credit card. You also have to understand the questions or the instructions of the examiner (part of the assessment criteria: comprendre des instructions simples sur des sujets concrets de la vie quotidienne / understand simple instructions on concrete subjects of daily life). For example, in the video above: “Vous préférez le marron ?” (“You prefer the brown?”) or “Donc, ça fait 750 euros.” (“Thus, that makes 750 euros.”). You can also give instructions to the examiner (part of the assessment criteria: donner des instructions simples sur des sujets concrets de la vie quotidienne / give simple instructions on concrete subjects of daily life). For example, in the video above, the candidate does it when he says: “Et, je voudrais aussi deux lits pour deux personnes, blancs” (“And, I would like two white beds for two people, white”).

The second assessment criteria of the 3rd part (role-play) of DELF A1 oral production, on 3 points, is:

“Peut établir un contact social de base en utilisant les formes de politesse les plus élémentaires.”. That means: “Can establish a basic social contact by using elementary salutations and politeness.”.

Here, you will get the 3 points if you are able to greet the seller (the examiner) at the beginning of the role-play. It is enough to say “Bonjour, monsieur” ("Good morning, Sir") or “Bonjour, madame” ("Good morning, Madam") according to the gender of your examiner. You also have to leave politely at the end of the role-play. It is enough to say: “Au Revoir, monsieur (or madame). Bonne journée. ("Goodbye, Sir (or Madam). Have a good day."). During the role-play, do not also hesitate to use the polite conditional (conditionnel de politesse) “Je voudrais” ("I would like") and “s’il vous plaît” ("please") when ask you a question to the seller (examiner). Also use the 'vous' form (vouvoiement) and not use the familiar 'tu' form (tutoiement). Say "Vous" to the examiner-seller and not "Tu".

Marking of the third part of DELF A1 oral production: role-play

The part from 2 minutes and 34 seconds to 4 minutes and 38 seconds of the video below presents you the examiners’ consultation for the performance of the candidate of the video in the beginning of this page for the third part, role-play, of DELF A1 speaking test:

Production orale DELF A1 Tous Publics Nguyen... par delfdalf

For the first assessment criteria: “Peut demander ou donner quelque chose à quelqu’un, comprendre et donner des instructions simples sur des sujets concrets de la vie quotidienne.”. That means: “Can ask or give something to someone, understand and give simple instructions on concrete subjects of the daily life.”, the candidate well asks information on the products that he wants to buy: “Quelles couleurs avez-vous ?” (“What colours do you have?), “Combien ça coûte ?” (“How much is it?”). He understands the examiner’s instructions: “Vous préférez le marron ?” (“You prefer the brown?”) or “Donc, ça fait 750 euros.” (“Thus, that makes 750 euros.”) and he give some: “Et, je voudrais aussi deux lits pour deux personnes, blancs” (“And, I would like two white beds for two people, white”). He makes the act of purchase by paying his products. Consequently, the candidate obtains easily the mark of 4 on 4 at the assessment criteria.

For the second assessment criteria: “Peut établir un contact social de base en utilisant les formes de politesse les plus élémentaires.”. That means: “Can establish a basic social contact by using elementary salutations and politeness.”. At the beginning, the candidate greets the examiner: “Bonjour, monsieur.” (“Good morning, Sir.”). He uses the polite conditional (conditionnel de politesse) “Je voudrais” ("I would like") and “s’il vous plaît” ("please"). At the end, he leaves politely by saying: “Bonne journée.” (“Have a good day."). Consequently, the candidate gets easily the mark of 3 on 3 at the assessment criteria.

Please note that although both examiners possess a valid certificate in the correction-examination of the DELF-DALF, the attributed mark depends on their judgment and was not calibrated by the CIEP (Centre International d’Etudes Pédagogiques). It is possible that the CIEP has a different opinion on the marking. As the examination day, the consultation between the examiners took place directly after the test. So, the marking is based on the notes taken by the examiner-observer and on the immediate memory of the examiners. The examiners did not watch the video again to give their mark.

Assessment of vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation of DELF A1 speaking test

You will find all the information about this part by following this link.
