Second part of DELF A1 speaking test: exchanging information
As a reminder: DELF A1 speaking test proceedings and instructions have already been explained to the candidate by the supervisor before his preparation. Furthermore, the examiner (it is not on the video above) has also reminded the proceedings of the test during the reception of the candidate. To know more about the proceedings and instructions of DELF A1 oral production, you may watch this video and visit this page.
Below, you will find the transcription of the video of exchanging information (second part) of the DELF A1 speaking test:
Examiner: “Nous allons maintenant passer à la 2ème partie. Vous avez préparé des questions. Donc, vous pouvez me poser des questions.”
Candidate: “Ok. Avec le mot “Soeur”. Avez-vous des soeurs ?”
Examiner: “Moi, non, je n’ai pas de soeurs. J’ai 2 frères.”
Candidate: “Ah oui. Le “Film”. Quel genre de film aimez-vous ?”
Examiner: ”J’aime bien les films d’action.”
Candidate: “D’action, moi aussi.”
Examiner: “Vous aussi ! Très bien.”
Candidate: “Le mot “Activités”. Qu’est-ce que avez-vous fait ce weekend ?”
Examiner: “Ce weekend, je suis resté un petit peu à la maison et je suis sorti avec ma femme et mon fils.”
Candidate: “Ah oui, le mot “Horaires”. Excusez-moi monsieur, est-ce que je peux, le dernier train partira à quelle heure s’il vous plaît ?”
Examiner: “Le dernier train partira à 19 heures.”
Candidate: “Le mot “Voiture”. Avez-vous une voiture ?”
Examiner: “Non, je n’ai pas de voiture. J’ai une moto.”
Candidate: “Le mot “Client”. Bonjour monsieur, aujourd’hui, est-ce qu’il y a une réduction pour les clients ?”
Examiner: “Pour les bons clients, oui, il y a toujours une réduction.”
Candidate: “Aah (rires)”
Examiner: “Ok, très bien, la deuxième partie est donc terminée.”
Specifications on the second part of DELF A1 speaking test: exchanging information
Exchanging information (échange d’informations) of DELF A1 oral production lasts about two minutes. You want to know the examiner. From the 6 cards with words and question marks (?) on them, you ask him questions. You do not necessarily have to use the word written on the card, you can ask a question on the theme. Example: with the card “Situation familiale ?”, (That is mean: “Family situation?”), you may ask the question: "Etes-vous marié ?" (“Are you married?”). Here, try to vary the formulation of your questions by using the inversion of the verb and the pronoun personal as in the above-mentioned example "Etes-vous marié ?", the expression "est-ce que": "Est-ce que vous êtes marié ?" or the intonation: "Vous êtes marié?". Please note that the examples are given from the card "Situation familiale" but you do not have to ask 3 questions by using these 3 formulations from the same card but to vary the formulations card after card. For each card, you must ask only one question. Please note that the fact of varying the formulation of your questions is not specifically asked in the instruction. You will not necessarily be penalized if you do not do it. That being so, to put the odds in your favor with the aim of obtaining the best mark in this part, we recommend you to do it.
Exchanging information of DELF A1 speaking test is on 4 points. The assessment criteria for this part is:
“Peut poser des questions personnelles simples sur des sujets familiers et concrets et manifester qu’il/elle a compris la réponse.”. That means: “Can ask simple personal questions on familiar and concrete subjects and show that he/she understood the answer.”.
Here, you will obtain the 4 points if you are able to ask questions on the 6 cards with words and question marks (?). Your questions must be about the examiner. Indeed, as in the instruction it is written that you want to know the examiner, the questions must concern him. In the video above, the first question of the candidate with the word “Soeur” ("Sister") is “Avez-vous des soeurs ?” ("Do you have sisters?"). Well, this question is in direct relation with the examiner. On the other hand, the fourth question with the word “Horaires” ("Schedules"): “Excusez-moi monsieur, est-ce que je peux, le dernier train partira à quelle heure s’il vous plaît ?” (“Excuse me Sir, when will leave the last train, please?”) does not concern the examiner directly. Instead, the candidate would have been able to ask the question: "Quels sont vos horaires de travail ?" ("What are your working schedules?"). Here, as in the instruction it is written that you want to know the examiner, it is necessary to ask questions on the examiner’s life.
In the assessment criteria of the second part (exchanging information) of DELF A1 oral production, it is also written “et manifester qu’il/elle a compris la réponse.” (“and show that he/she understood the answer.”). Here, the candidate did it very well at the second question on the word “Film” (“Film”, “Movie”). Indeed, by saying “D’action, moi aussi.” (“Action, me too.”) to the examiner’s answer ”J’aime bien les films d’action.” (“I like action movies.”), he perfectly shows that he understood the answer. For example, with the word “Voiture” (“Car”) after the examiner’s answer : “Non, je n’ai pas de voiture. J’ai une moto.”) (“No, I do not have a car. I have a motorbike.”), the candidate should have said: “Moi aussi, j’ai une moto.” (“Me too, I have a motorbike.”).
Marking of the second part of DELF A1 oral production: exchanging information
The part from 45 seconds to 2 minutes and 34 seconds of the video below presents you the examiners’ consultation for the performance of the candidate of the video in the beginning of this page for the second part, exchanging information, of DELF A1 speaking test:
Production orale DELF A1 Tous Publics Nguyen... par delfdalf
Here, the candidate asks questions on the six words. He looks easy and we consider that he understands the examiner’s answers. On the other hand, two of his questions do not concern the examiner directly. It is about the fourth question with the word “Horaires” ("Schedules"): “Excusez-moi monsieur, est-ce que je peux, le dernier train partira à quelle heure s’il vous plaît ?” (“Excuse me Sir, when will leave the last train, please?”) and about the last question with the word “Client“ ("Customer"): “Bonjour monsieur, aujourd’hui, est-ce qu’il y a une réduction pour les clients ?” (“Good morning Sir, today, is there a discount for the customers?”). That is why the examiners remove him one point and give him the mark of 3 on 4 for this part.
Please note that although both examiners possess a valid certificate in the correction-examination of the DELF-DALF, the attributed mark depends on their judgment and was not calibrated by the CIEP (Centre International d’Etudes Pédagogiques). It is possible that the CIEP has a different opinion on the marking. As the examination day, the consultation between the examiners took place directly after the test. So, the marking is based on the notes taken by the examiner-observer and on the immediate memory of the examiners. The examiners did not watch the video again to give their mark.
Third part of DELF A1 speaking test: role-play
You will find all the information about this part by following this link.