DALF C1 speaking test
Presentation and proceedings of DALF C1 oral production

DALF C1 speaking test lasts 30 minutes and is in two parts: a presentation based on a series of written documents, followed by a discussion with the examiners. The candidate will be asked to draw two subjects and choose one of the two topics. Then, he will have an hour to prepare the chosen subject. He will have to present an organized reflection based on the theme indicated and the documents that constitute the subject (from 8 to 10 minutes). His presentation will be followed by a debate with the board (from 15 to 20 minutes).
Please note that for the DALF C1 speaking test, the use of a monolingual (in a single language) dictionary in French is authorized. It is the DELF-DALF examination centre that provides candidates with monolingual dictionaries.
The whole DALF C1 oral production is on 25 points. It is a quarter of the total mark of DALF C1 which is on 100. Each other skill (listening, reading, writing) is also on 25 points. To get the diploma, you must have 50/100 minimum and get a minimum of 5/25 at each skill. If you get under 5 at one skill, it is a eliminatory mark even if you get 50/100 minimum at all. For example, if you get a total mark of 56/100 but you have 4/25 at one skill, you are eliminated. and you do not get the diploma.
Please note that for the DALF C1 speaking test, the use of a monolingual (in a single language) dictionary in French is authorized. It is the DELF-DALF examination centre that provides candidates with monolingual dictionaries.
The whole DALF C1 oral production is on 25 points. It is a quarter of the total mark of DALF C1 which is on 100. Each other skill (listening, reading, writing) is also on 25 points. To get the diploma, you must have 50/100 minimum and get a minimum of 5/25 at each skill. If you get under 5 at one skill, it is a eliminatory mark even if you get 50/100 minimum at all. For example, if you get a total mark of 56/100 but you have 4/25 at one skill, you are eliminated. and you do not get the diploma.
Video of an example of DALF C1 speaking test
The video below is an example of DALF C1 oral production. The candidate chose the topic “Lutte contre la douleur : doit-on fixer les limites de l’insupportable ?” (“Fighting pain: should we set the limits of the unbearable?”). The subject is available on this page: http://delfdalf.fr/dalf-c1-sample-papers.html.You will find it on page 26 of DALF C1 sample papers 2.
1st part of DALF C1 speaking test, followed monologue: the presentation
The presentation of DALF C1 oral production for which the candidate must present an organized reflection based on the theme and the documents that constitute the subject, lasts from 8 to 10 minutes. This part is scored on 8 points out of the 25 points assigned to DALF C1 speaking test. For this part, there are four assessment criteria:
1) Peut analyser avec un regard critique les textes sources, extraire et utiliser des informations importantes. (Can critically analyze source texts, extract and use important information.) = 1.5 point.
2) Peut dégager le thème de réflexion et introduire l’exposé. (Can identify the topic of reflection and introduce the presentation.) = 1.5 point.
3) Peut élaborer une réflexion en relation avec le thème retenu, intégrant arguments et informations personnels et tirés du dossier. (Can develop a reflection in relation to the theme, integrating arguments and personal information from the file.) = 2.5 points.
4) Peut faire une présentation claire et organisée avec aisance, spontanéité et pertinence pour parvenir à une conclusion appropriée. (Can make a clear and organized presentation with ease, spontaneity and relevance to reach an appropriate conclusion.) = 2.5 points.
1) Peut analyser avec un regard critique les textes sources, extraire et utiliser des informations importantes. (Can critically analyze source texts, extract and use important information.) = 1.5 point.
2) Peut dégager le thème de réflexion et introduire l’exposé. (Can identify the topic of reflection and introduce the presentation.) = 1.5 point.
3) Peut élaborer une réflexion en relation avec le thème retenu, intégrant arguments et informations personnels et tirés du dossier. (Can develop a reflection in relation to the theme, integrating arguments and personal information from the file.) = 2.5 points.
4) Peut faire une présentation claire et organisée avec aisance, spontanéité et pertinence pour parvenir à une conclusion appropriée. (Can make a clear and organized presentation with ease, spontaneity and relevance to reach an appropriate conclusion.) = 2.5 points.
2nd part of DALF C1 speaking test, interactive exercise: the interview
Following the presentation, there is an interview, a debate with the board that lasts 15 to 20 minutes. It is rated on 5 points out of the 25 points assigned to the DALF C1 oral production. For this part, there are three assessment criteria:
1) Peut facilement préciser et défendre sa position en répondant aux questions, commentaires et contre-arguments. (Can easily clarify and defend his position by answering questions, comments and counter-arguments.) = 2 points.
2) Peut faciliter le développement de la discussion en recentrant et/ou élargissant le débat. (Can facilitate the development of the discussion by refocusing and/or broadening the debate.) = 2 points.
3) Peut choisir une expression convenable pour attirer l’attention ou garder l’attention de l’auditeur. (Can choose a suitable expression to attract attention or keep the listener’s attention.) = 1 point.
1) Peut facilement préciser et défendre sa position en répondant aux questions, commentaires et contre-arguments. (Can easily clarify and defend his position by answering questions, comments and counter-arguments.) = 2 points.
2) Peut faciliter le développement de la discussion en recentrant et/ou élargissant le débat. (Can facilitate the development of the discussion by refocusing and/or broadening the debate.) = 2 points.
3) Peut choisir une expression convenable pour attirer l’attention ou garder l’attention de l’auditeur. (Can choose a suitable expression to attract attention or keep the listener’s attention.) = 1 point.
Assessment of vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation of DALF C1 speaking test
As we saw above, the two parts of the DALF C1 oral production are on 13 points on the 25 points of the DALF C1 speaking test. To be simple, the assessment criteria of those two parts correspond with practical, pragmatic skills. The 12 points left are assessed on the language control: lexicon (vocabulary), morphosyntax (grammar), phonological system (pronunciation) and for the whole two parts. The assessment criteria are:
1) Lexicon (vocabulary range and accuracy): possède un vaste répertoire lexical et ne commet pas d’erreurs significatives (has an extensive lexical repertoire and does not make significant errors) = 4 points.
2) Morphosyntax: maintient un haut degré de correction grammaticale (maintains a high degree of grammatical correction) = 5 points.
3) Control of the phonological system: a acquis une intonation et une prononciation claires et naturelles. Peut varier l'intonation et placer l’accent phrastique pour exprimer de fines nuances de sens. (Has acquired a clear and natural intonation and pronunciation. Can vary intonation and place phrastic emphasis to express fine nuances of meaning.) = 3 points.
1) Lexicon (vocabulary range and accuracy): possède un vaste répertoire lexical et ne commet pas d’erreurs significatives (has an extensive lexical repertoire and does not make significant errors) = 4 points.
2) Morphosyntax: maintient un haut degré de correction grammaticale (maintains a high degree of grammatical correction) = 5 points.
3) Control of the phonological system: a acquis une intonation et une prononciation claires et naturelles. Peut varier l'intonation et placer l’accent phrastique pour exprimer de fines nuances de sens. (Has acquired a clear and natural intonation and pronunciation. Can vary intonation and place phrastic emphasis to express fine nuances of meaning.) = 3 points.
Further information on DALF C1 speaking test
You may consult and download the instructions, the assessment grid and past exam papers of the DALF C1 oral production on this page: DALF C1 sample papers.
We recommend to you to work on the last version of the DALF C1 speaking test assessment grid. We advise you to study this assessment grid, because it is on it that you will be assessed and marked. So, if you well control the assessment criteria and you fit them well, you will get the maximum of points.
We recommend to you to work on the last version of the DALF C1 speaking test assessment grid. We advise you to study this assessment grid, because it is on it that you will be assessed and marked. So, if you well control the assessment criteria and you fit them well, you will get the maximum of points.
Prepare DALF C1 speaking test
If you wish to prepare in depth for the DALF C1 oral production, I recommend my book “Réussir la production orale du DALF C1”. This is a complete method to prepare and pass the DALF C1 speaking test. For more information on this preparation manual of the DALF C1 oral examination, click on the link below:
Prepare and pass DALF C1 speaking test